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The right time to bring on a branding agency.

You may find yourself wondering whether it’s the right time to bring on a branding agency. After all, you and your team know your brand better than anyone, right? While that may be true, there are certain times when a branding agency can offer unique value.

Even help take your brand to the next level.

So, when is the right time to use a branding agency? The answer is not always clear-cut, but there are a few scenarios where it may be worth considering:

Your brand is experiencing rapid growth

If your outdoor brand is rapidly expanding, you may find it difficult to keep up with all the branding demands. A branding agency can help you scale your branding efforts and ensure consistency across all touch points.

You’re launching a new product or service

Launching a new product or service is a significant undertaking, and it’s essential to get it right. A branding agency can help you develop a brand identity and messaging that resonates with your target audience and sets your new offering apart from the competition.

Your brand needs a refresh

While this is something that should be carefully considered, sometimes, even the most successful brands need a refresh to stay relevant and keep up with changing trends and consumer preferences. An agency can help you evaluate your current branding and make strategic updates to keep your brand fresh and engaging.

You’re struggling to differentiate your brand

In a crowded outdoor market, it can be challenging to stand out and differentiate your brand. A branding agency can help you develop a unique brand positioning and messaging that sets you apart from the competition and resonates with your target audience.

Now that you know when it may be time to consider a branding agency, it’s important to understand the value they can offer. A branding agency brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, and they can help you create a strong, cohesive brand that resonates with your target audience.

A branding agency can help you with services like these:

Brand strategy

A branding agency can help you develop a comprehensive brand strategy that outlines your brand’s mission, values, target audience, and positioning.

Brand identity

A branding agency can help you develop a visual identity that reflects your brand’s personality and resonates with your target audience.

Messaging and content

A branding agency can help you develop messaging and content. Communications that aligns with your brand strategy and resonates with your target audience. This offering is often overlooked.

Brand guidelines

A branding agency can help you create brand guidelines. A document that ensure consistency across all touch points and help maintain the integrity of your brand over time.

A branding agency can be a valuable partner for outdoor brands. Particularly during periods of rapid growth, product or service launches, brand refreshes, or when struggling to differentiate from the competition. With their expertise and experience, a branding agency can help you create a strong, cohesive brand. A brand that resonates with your target audience and stands the test of time. As Marty Neumeier, branding expert and author, once said: “A brand is not what we say it is, it’s what they say it is.” A branding agency can help you ensure that what they say about your brand is nothing but positive.

So, when would you say is the right time to bring on a branding agency?

PULL is a full-service branding and consulting agency specializing in outdoor brands. We have experience in both building brands from scratch and shepherding established brands to their next peak. 

If your brand could use an outside perspective or you just want to shoot the breeze, don’t hesitate to drop us a line

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